
Foto-Foto "Dibelakang Layar" Karya Wartawan Senior PETE SOUZA Dari Perjalanan Presiden Barack Hussein Obama Ke Timur Tengah & Erop

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P060409PS-0875 by The Official White House Photostream.

Jakarta 10/6/2009 (KATAKAMI) Selalu ada daya tarik tersendiri buat kami, setiap kali mengetahui Presiden ke-44 AS Barack Hussein Obama baru saja menyelesaikan perjalanan atau lawatannya keluar negeri.

Daya tarik itu adalah WHITE HOUSE (Gedung Putih) akan mempublikasikan foto-foto di belakang layar dari seluruh rangkaian perjalanan itu. Dan pilihan kami, pasti akan tertuju pada foto-foto karya WARTAWAN SENIOR “PETE SOUZA” yang dipilih oleh Presiden OBAMA untuk menjadi Fotografer Resmi di WHITE HOUSE.

PETE SOUZA, memiliki insting yang kuat, naluri dan bakat yang sangat penuh talenta sebagai seorang wartawan foto. Ia tahu, dari sisi mana misalnya, Barack Hussein Obama terlihat “lebih menarik”, “lebih manusiawi”, “lebih apa adanya” dan “lebih romantis”, bila diabadikan dari sudut-sudut tertentu atau di negara-negara tertentu.

PETE SOUZA, sepertinya memang menjadi salah seorang yang sangat “beruntung” karena ia bisa masuk kemana saja dan dimana saja — sepanjang disana ada Barack Hussein Obama –.

Dan keistimewaan itu, tidak disia-siakannya.

Dan inilah sejumlah foto yang dihasilkan dari bidikan PETE SOUZA dari perjalanan Presiden OBAMA ke Arab Saudi, Mesir, Jerman & Perancis.

Selamat menikmati foto-foto berikut ini.

Dan jika kami diperbolehkan menyampaikan pendapat, foto mana yang paling menarik. Maka, salah satu yang menyentuh hati adalah foto saat Malia Obama & Sasha Obama, menyalakan lilin di Gereja Katedral Notre Dame di Paris, Perancis — didampingi dan disaksikan oleh kedua orangtua mereka yaitu Barack Hussein Obama & Michelle Obama –.

Kedua anak yang manis ini, memang harus tahu bahwa di seluruh gereja KATOLIK di seluruh dunia — terutama di kawasan Eropa — salah satu ciri yang sangat khas di bagian dalam gereja adalah tempat pemasangan lilin di salah satu pojok gereja yang ada disana. Dan semoga saat kedua anak yang manis ini menyalakan lilin itu, mereka mengetahui bahwa setelah pemasangan lilin ini — jauh lebih baik jika disertai dengan doa sederhana yang penuh ketulusan, misalnya doa untuk kedua orangtuanya dan kepada sesama manusia lainnya di muka bumi ini.

Dan foto lainnya yang juga sama menariknya adalah foto saat Presiden Obama bertolak pinggang dengan kaos polo dan kacamata hitam saat berkunjung ke “Great Sphinx of Giza dan the Pyramid of Khafre” di Mesir. Juga, foto saat Menteri Luar Negeri Hillary Rodham Clinton mengenakan kerudung.

Foto-foto yang sangat bagus dan pantas diacungi jempol. Pete Souza, terimalah salam dan kekaguman kami yang begitu tinggi kepada anda. Anda memang “luar biasa” dan beruntung bisa bekerja untuk seorang Presiden yang juga “LUAR BIASA”.

Mega Simarmata (KATAKAMI)

P060309PS-0257 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama looks at the King Abdul Aziz Order of Merit presented to him by Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz at the start of their bilateral meeting at the Kings Farm in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, June 3, 2009. The medal is Saudi Arabias highest honor. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060309PS-0383 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama meets with senior staff during dinner in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, June 3, 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060409PS-0080 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama works on his Cairo speech with speechwriter Ben Rhodes and national security aide Denis McDonough aboard Air Force One on June 4, 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060409PS-0084 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama confers about the Cairo speech with Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications Denis McDonough, right, and speechwriter Ben Rhodes on Air Force One en route to Cairo, Egypt, June 4, 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060409PS-0148 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, and National Security Council Chief of Staff Mark Lippert, background, glance out the window as Air Force One flies into Cairo, June 4, 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060409PS-0276 by The Official White House Photostream.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recounts a story to President Barack Obama, Senior Advisors David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett, outside the Sultan Hassan Mosque in Cairo, Egypt, June 4, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

P060409PS-0722 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama tours the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt on June 4, 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060409PS-0752 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama ducks his head to get through an entranceway on a tour of the Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt, June 4, 2009. At center-right is the hieroglyphic that the President comment on saying it looked like him. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

P060409PS-0875 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama tours the Egypts Great Sphinx of Giza (left) and the Pyramid of Khafre, June 4, 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060509PS-0522 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama is interviewed by Tom Brokaw at Zwinger Palace in Dresden, Germany, June 5, 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060509PS-0767 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama places a flower in the crematorium at Buchenwald concentration camp, June 5, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

P060509PS-1209 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama stops to shake hands with military families outside Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany on June 5, 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060509PS-1313 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama works with Jon Favreau, director of speechwriting, on the Presidents Normandy speech aboard Air Force One enroute to Paris on June 5, 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060509PS-1326 by The Official White House Photostream.

F.decorate(_ge(photo_notes), F._photo_notes).notes_go_go_go(3610760763, http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3323/3610760763_d78eccf973_t.jpg, 3.1444);

President Barack Obama and White House staffers aboard Air Force One to Paris look at Reggie Loves photos of Egypt on June 5, 2009 (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060609PS-0052 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama lifts a baby while meeting the staff of the U.S. Embassy at the U.S. ambassadors residence in Paris, France, June 6, 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060609PS-0867 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama gives a humbs-up to a group of World War II veterans sitting behind him on stage following his speech at the 65th anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy, France, June 6, 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060609PS-0566 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama speaks with Prince Charles prior to the ceremony in Normandy on the 65th anniversary of the D-Day landings, June 6, 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060609PS-1151 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama (l) and Malia Obama watch as Sasha Obama lights a candle in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, June 6, 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)

P060709PS-0023 by The Official White House Photostream.

President Barack Obama points out a landmark to daughter Malia while touring the Pompidou Centre modern art museum in Paris, June 7, 2009. (Official White House photo by Pete Souza)




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